Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Evaluating Swivel and Rigid Pneumatic Casters


Choosing the correct type of casters for carts in your office or warehouse can help protect your cargo and make the physical task of moving items easier. Factors such as the floors you are pushing items across, the weight of the item, the space you are maneuvering through and how fragile items are will help you determine if swivel or rigid pneumatic casters are the best options for you.

All Swivel Casters

Using swivel casters for all four wheels will allow you to move around and make sharp turns. When space is tight and your path demands maneuvering, this is appropriate. However, the flexibility can make routes that are straight for long-distances difficult.

All Rigid Casters

An alternative, using all rigid casters, will prevent you from being able to turn a cart but allow you to drive straight. Depending on the purpose of a cart, this may be appropriate. When cargo is lighter, this basic structure for single facing wheels can work well.

A Mixure of Caster Types

Having a mixture of swivel and rigid pneumatic casters, two and two, provides more control and some flexibility. When you have a far distance to travel with a few turns and mostly straight paths, these casters will work best. Because you have more control with this combination, you can handle more weight without having to strain to compensate for turning too sharply or other problems you would encounter with all swivel casters.

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